The Can Kick

By Tanner Woodman, Savannah Can foods and material donations are very hard to use effectively for disaster relief. In many parts of the world if donors keep sending cans instead of cash there is going to be a lot of broken toes.

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Water Bottle

By Ryan Pincince, RI, R Kalhofer , N Kingstown, RI, Jill-Ann Hewins, Coventry RI Shows price of shipping water across globe

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Why Cash

By Chris Chymiy, Ashley McArthur “Financial donations are the best way to help international disaster victims. With a cash contribution, relief organizations can purchase exactly what is most urgently needed by victims — without incurring any transportation costs. Cash also enables relief supplies to be purchased near the disaster site which helps to stimulate the […]

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Always Best

By Giordany Orellana A quick graphic describing the benefits of donating cash vs donating goods. Voice by Rocky Collins.

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By Cassandra Chowdhury, Los Angeles Don’t play a guessing game.

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